“Art-cocktail» - изысканный вкус самое избирательной публики!

    “Art-cocktail” - sophisticated taste of the most fastidious audience!


    "Девушка в аквариуме" - грандиозное, водное шоу для самого искушенного зрителя.

    «The girl in the glass» - astonishing water show for the most sophisticated audience!


    Двойная доза удовольствия с единственным в мире шоу «Один в Один» - «Близняшки в бокале».

    Double pleasure with the only show in the world «Twin sisters in the glass».


    Перформанс-проект "Юбка" - эквилибр в пластике на оригинальном аппарате.

    Performance-project “Skirt” – Grace balancing on singular instrument


    Яркий, цирковой номер в бокале с элементами каучука и эквилибра.

    Bright, circus performance in the glass with backbender and balancing elements

  • LaLuna

    Пластический номер оригинального жанра

    Plastic show original genre

  • VKletke

    "девушка в клетке" - завораживающее шоу в клетке и рядом с ней

    "Girl in a cage" - a fascinating show in the cage and next to it

Цена: от руб. Price: from ru.

Project "Art-cocktail" is sophisticated taste of the most fastidious audience!

The project «Art-cocktail» - this is extravagance, this is a girl in the glass, replete with foam, milk, champagne etc.; it all depends on your imagination and needs. Glass performances are saturated with elements of plastic arts, backbender, and certainly – sexuality.
The show “The girl in a glass” – is not the club project only, it perfectly suits for both nightlife of entertainment establishments and for the guests meeting “Raus”, as well as for mere “Go-Go” party, team retreats, birthday party and any other mass entertainments.

«Art-cocktail» is combination of plastic arts with gracefulness and sexuality of a fascinating gymnast-girl Michelle! The show will touch anyone's feelings – men, and even women, which are going to admire beauty and grace of movements in extraordinary sphere.
Each performance is a wonderful show that leaves delightful impressions for a long time. People always desire something special, unusual, which appeals to the eye and that is not trivial in diversity of proposals.
All these are revealed in «Art-cocktail» - charming “Girl in a glass”.

Performance options of "Art-cocktail":
«Theatrical performance» - 1 appearance - 8 mins.
«Go-Go» - 3 appearances, 10 mins. each during 1 hour.
«Welcome Zone», «Raus» - guests meeting during 1 hour without leaving of a glass.

Invite us, and we will surprise you and your dear guests!

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